Is your perfect life just a dream?

As a solution-focused coach I can help you move from where you are now to where you want to be.

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Before starting coaching with Heather, I was at a point in my life where I was coming to a natural end of a long cycle. I was moving into a new identity yet so many areas of my life were outdated. My schedule and my life was cluttered, I was distracted without realizing what my inner voice was wanting to tell me. I had some ideas about changing my overall focus and daily routine but was unsure where to start.
Heather provided me with the space to achieve clarity and update major areas of my life over the period of several months. We covered topics such as travel, friends, hobbies, self-care, relationships, home, time management, future goals, work, and volunteering. I spent time in between sessions to journal and write, make plans, and have important conversations. Each time we met for coaching, we set intentions for our call and intentions for next steps. A natural pace of change was set in motion and I am feeling ready and prepared for an exciting new chapter. Concrete plans are in place and I will continue coaching with Heather during the transition.
I have been able to find courage to move away from what is not serving me towards an often scary place of new beginnings. I am able to aim accurately for what I really want, and better filter out what is not my truth.


Heather was great in helping me through a difficult time. I was filled with anxiety about turning 65 in 2022. I had so much on my mind and she helped me to sort through all the issues and I was able to compartmentalize everything. From there we took one thing at a time from the life wheel. I came away from my sessions filled with wonderful things to focus on once I retire. I am still a little anxious, but I am much more prepared. I no longer dread turning 65, thanks to Heather!!

Matt M.
Matt M.

Before working with Heather I was at a loose end, feeling lost, overwhelmed and completely mentally disorganized. I was giving myself pressure without planning, guilt for not doing anything with my time and no clear idea of how to change or what that would look like.

During our coaching, I was able to identify what was missing from my life, compartmentalise what I wanted and started making small incremental steps in the direction of my more clearly defined goals.

As a result of our coaching, I am feeling more engaged with reality; with refined goals and targets, increased mental clarity and a more established sense of what I want to achieve in life. I am well into formulating some exciting ideas for the future and my the small steps I have taken are starting to bear fruit. I am feeling proud of my success thus far and have faith that I have the correct tools to triumph in my future ventures.

Thanks for the help Heather!

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The objective of an introductory consultation is for us to get to know more about each other, and for you to have an experience of coaching. Be prepared to be honest with yourself, be willing to be vulnerable, and above all, come with an open heart and mind.

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